samedi 12 octobre 2013

What is a good code review?

Every programmer does mistake in his code, whatever are his programming skills. You can detect these mistakes at different level in the development workflow : from the development itself to the production. What is sure is that the faster you will find a mistake, the faster you will correct it.

Reread the code, even if it works, is a good way to find potential bugs as fast as possible. This reading is called the code review.

Every team has his own way to do a code review. Some ways are bad, others are better. In this thread, I will present you what is for me the perfect code review, and we will see that a good code review has others benefits that just reveal potential bugs.


The reader and the programmer must read the code together, side by side using the programmer computer. It encourages both of them to discuss and debate about the code in order to challenge it as most as possible.

The programmer must not introduce the modifications to the reader because the reader must understand himself the code. Indeed, the code must be clear enough because other teammates will have to work on it. So the reader must take the mouse and keyboard command.

To be sure to read every modified line of code, the review must be done from the modifications diff of the version control software. Of course, if necessary, the reader can have a look in the entire code.

If the reader see something which must be changed in the code, the programmer must take a note to don't forget to change it after the code review. Every modification must be done just after the code review.


The reader has the responsibility to approve that the code is correct. If he doesn't see a bug during the code review, he will have the same responsibility than the programmer if a problem occurs in production. So every line of code must be checked and understood.

Several kind of problems can be detected in the code and fixed with the code review. For examples, the reader could do the following remarks to the programmer :

  • "The format of these two lines of code doesn't respect our coding conventions"
  • "When I read the method name, I don't understand what is his responsibility"
  • "In this case, you will have a NullPointerException with this variable"
  • "For this line of code, there already exists an utility method in the util package"
  • "A unit test is missing for this case"
  • "Here, you are doing a database access in a loop, you should refactor your code"
  • ...
As you see, the code review allows to be sure that the code will respect the coding conventions, that the code will be understandable, and that potential bugs can be detected.


When the development of a feature is finished, the developer has to demonstrate his work and to ask somebody to read his code.

If the developer starts with the code review and finishes with the demonstration, it is possible that he has to modify his code after the demonstration because the feature doesn't fit all the functional requirements. So a second code review will be necessary.

On the other side, if he starts with the demonstration and finishes with the code review, it is possible that he has to modify his code. But in this case, as the developer directly understood the functional requirements and wrote regression tests, it is not necessary to re-demonstrate the feature.

So the best way is to start to demonstrate the feature and to finish with the code review.


Who must read the developer code? The technical leader? A senior developer? A junior developer? Depending on the case, every teammate must be able to do a code review. Two parameters must be taken into account to decide who can read who : The first one is the technical level of both the developer and the reader. The second one is the criticality of the feature.

For a critical feature (something complex or really important for the business), the reader must be experimented, so either a senior developer or the technical leader.

For a "basic" feature, it is better to avoid to let a junior developer read another junior developer. Indeed they may don't know every coding conventions or miss bugs or performance issues. But a junior developer can read a senior developer : it is a good way for the junior to improve his competences.

Conclusion : benefits of a good code review

A good code review allows you to fix several bugs and to refactor your code really quickly. You have so the insurance to have a best quality in your software and in your code.

But more than that, encourage your team to read the code allows them to have a best knowledge of the code and to improve their competences very easily.

So if you think that this kind of code review is a waste of time, you are mistaken because you will have less bugs in production, a code of quality, and to finish a more competent team, so a more effective team.

dimanche 29 septembre 2013

Gatling dynamic parameters example

It is very easy to create a stress test with Gatling when you know the parameters to send within each HTTP request. But sometimes you have to handle dynamic parameters and this is more complicated to manage.

A typical case where dynamic parameters are needed is when you are testing a page with a form protected with a CSRF protection, for example :

<form action="/deleteAccount" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="login" value="jsebfranck"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="verificationToken" value="wQvhCLsPHVbKd9ANoOZTpBsXtVhpG0h3"/>

For each display of this form, the verificationToken parameter expected on the server side will be different. This protection against CSRF attacks allows to be sure that the POST request is send from a form generated by the website, and not from another website.

If you use the gatling recorder to display the form page then submit the form, it will generate the following test :

val scn = scenario("delete account")
      .exec(http("get delete account page")
      .exec(http("delete account")
        .param("verificationToken", "wQvhCLsPHVbKd9ANoOZTpBsXtVhpG0h3")
        .param("login", "jsebfranck"))

The problem with this test is that it always sends the same verificationToken parameter within the form. So if you launch it, it will failed because the verificationToken will be different from the expected verificationToken.

To resolve this problem you have to parse the page with the form in order to retrieve the verificationToken parameter and to send it within the form. To do that you can use two advanced features of gatling, the "session" and the "saving data" features :

val scn = scenario("delete account")
      .exec(http("get delete account page")
          regex("""<input name="verificationToken" type="hidden" value="([^"]*)" />""")
      .exec(http("delete account")
        .param("verificationToken", "${requestVerificationToken}")
        .param("login", "jsebfranck"))

The check method allows to do operations on the result of the request. Here we apply a regex to get the content of the value attribute, then we save it in the requestVerificationToken variable with the saveAs method :

      regex("""<input name="verificationToken" type="hidden" value="([^"]*)" />""")

Then we can reuse the requestVerificationToken variable to send it within the form :

    .param("verificationToken", "${requestVerificationToken}")

Now you are able to use dynamic parameters in a Gatling test. I hope this example will help you to bypass most of the constraints of a website. For further information on gatling advanced usages, please visit this page.

jeudi 26 septembre 2013

Keep your code simple with YAGNI

One key principle of success for a web site is its capacity to always improve itself with new features and to do it faster than its competitors. To achieve that, the IT team must be able to create features as fast as possible at the different phases of the realization : development, tests and deployment.

During the development phase, one axis to work faster is to always have the more simple, readable and modifiable code. Besides several practices well known like code review or refactoring, there is an important principle which is not very well known by developers : YAGNI. Before explaining this principle, let's see how could a developer work without YAGNI.

Scenario without YAGNI

A agile development team has in its backlog several features and only the three first features are absolutely mandatory before the deployment in production :
  • Creation of a user (must have)
  • User listing (must have)
  • Deletion of a user (must have)
  • Modification of a user (nice to have)
  • Search a user by login (nice to have)
A developer begins to work on the "Creation of a user example" feature. To do that he has to create the user interface, the business logic and the DAO layer.

When he creates the DAO layer, he adds a method "createUser" and then he directly creates several others methods : "getUsers", "deleteUser", "updateUser" and "searchUserByLogin". The developer did that because he is quite sure that these methods will be necessary for the four other features of the backlog.

public interface UserDao {
  public void createUser(User user);
  public void updateUser(User user);
  public void deleteUser(User user);
  public User searchUserByLogin(String login);
  public List getUsers();

Then specifications change

The three mandatory features are developed and pushed in production. 

Having directly the feedback of the use of these three features in production, the two remaining features specifications change :
  • Modification of a user : it is not necessary anymore to modify a user as it is easy to delete a user and to create a new one
  • Search a user by login by first name : is is finally better to search the user by his first name.

And the developer modifies the code

As it is not necessary anymore to modify a user, the method "updateUser" has been created for nothing. And as the user search must be done by the first name rather than by the user login : the searchUserByLogin method must be changed.

The developer still thinks that the "updateUser" method could be useful in the future, so he doesn't delete it. Moreover, he keeps the "searchUserByLogin" method and create a new method "searchUserByFirstName".

So finally in the DAO layer, we have six methods but only four methods are used :

public interface UserDao {
  public void createUser(User user);
  public void updateUser(User user); // useless
  public void deleteUser(User user);
  public User searchUserByLogin(String login); // useless
  public User searchUserByFirstName(String firstName);
  public List getUsers();

The main mistake the developer did is to add unnecessary code in his program because he was thinking it could be useful in the future. The second mistake he did is to don't clean his code after the specifications change.

Maybe you don't realize why these two methods can be a problem in your code. So try to imagine several developers doing this mistake every day : it will be quickly the mess in your code.

You Ain't Gonna Need It!

Based on the fact that we cannot know or guess the future needs of a software, the idea of YAGNI is to never add code or feature which is not immediately necessary.

More than avoid to have useless methods in the code, the main advantages of the YAGNI principle are :
  • Your code is smaller, so more simple 
  • You don't have to maintain unnecessary code so you win time when you refactore your code 
  • You don't have pieces of code which have never been tested in production and you don't risk to use it thinking it is working

jeudi 29 août 2013

Easy stress tests with Gatling

A few month ago, I needed to compare the response time of several webapp pages before and after upgrading a cache component. I thought the easier and faster way to do that would be to write a shell script doing several http calls to the webapp using wget, and to compute myself the average response time. I did that, it worked and I had my expected conclusion that the new cache version was faster. Of course, I wrote my shell script in a dirty way and it finally finished to the trash.

Then I hear about Gatling, a simple alternative to JMeter to do stress tests. I tested it and indeed it was very easy to use it, and even faster than creating an homemade script.

Today I would like to show you how it is easy to write a stress test with this tool.

Start easily with the recorder

Gatling provides an HTTP recorder tool allowing to generate a Gatling test. It is a good way to generate a first test.

To do that :

1. Download a Gatling archive and extract it
2. Launch the recorder : ./bin/recorder.bat or ./bin/
3. Configure where the test must be generated, for that you can change the fields "package", "class name", and "ouput folder" :

Gatling recorder configuration

4. Configure your web browser to use Gatling as a proxy. As see in the recorder configuration, the http port is 8000 and the https port is 8001.

Web browser configuration
5. Press the start button in the recorder
6. Go to the pages you want to test in the web browser
7. Press the stop & save button in the recorder
8. Open the generated test. In this example the test has been generated under C:\gatling-stress-tests\com\mycompany\stresstests\MyFirstStressTest.scala
9. Delete the useless requests. For example in my stress test I don't want the requests retrieving the static resources or the google analytics requests.
10. Rename the scenario and the http methods giving comprehensive titles : we will find these titles in the test reports.
11. Change the count of users to do 50 simultaneous connections to the webapp

Congratulations you have created your first Gatling test :

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.core.session.Expression
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Headers.Names._
import io.gatling.http.Headers.Values._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import bootstrap._
import assertions._

class MyFirstStressTest extends Simulation {
  val httpProtocol = http.baseURL("")
                         .acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate")
                         .userAgentHeader("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0")
  val headers_1 = Map("""Accept""" -> """text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8""")
  val headers_5 = Map("""Accept""" -> """text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8""",
                      """Content-Type""" -> """application/x-www-form-urlencoded""")
  val scn = scenario("my first test")
     .exec(http("home page").get("""/""").headers(headers_1))
     .exec(http("login page").get("""/Account/Login""").headers(headers_1))
                        .param("""UserName""", """jsebfranck""")
                        .param("""Password""", """my password""")

  setUp(scn.inject(atOnce(50 user))).protocols(httpProtocol)

As you can see, a Gatling test is a Scala script. Don't worry if you don't know Scala, this script is easy to understand, you don't have to understand all Scala mechanisms :
  • httpProtocol variable defines the global parameters to connect to the website
  • headers_1 and headers_5 defines http headers parameters 
  • scn is the test scenario with the title "my first test"
  • the test contains 4 http calls (3 GET and 1 POST) called "home page", "login page", "login" and "news"
  • setUp allows to launch the test
  • atOnce(50 user) indicates that 50 connections will be done simultaneously

Launch the test

Launch a Gatling test is very easy :

1. Launch the gatling executable : ./bin/gatling.bat or ./bin/
2. Select the MyFirstStressTest test
3. Open the HTML report generated in results folder

Several graphics are generated in the report. But two graphics are particularly interesting. The first one give for each HTTP request :
  • the minimum, maximum and average response time
  • the standard deviation : deviation of the requests response time compared to the average response time. A small standard deviation means that the response time is almost the same for each request
  • the 95 percentile : means that 95% of the requests are under this response time 
  • the 99 percentile : means that 99% of the requests are under this response time

If you click on a request title, for example "news", you get more information specific to the request. Here we can see the response time evolution based on the active sessions.


I hope you understood it is not complicated to use a stress test tool like Gatling, even if it is rare for you to do performance benchmarks. This example is very basic and doesn't show all great features of Gatling. If you want to go further, I encourage you to read the following documentations :

dimanche 25 août 2013

EJB 2 on Jboss 7.1 example

I recently have add the opportunity to migrate an historical JEE web application from JBoss 4 to JBoss 7.1. One of the more complicated point I faced was the migration of the EJB2 components. The old xml configuration was not correct anymore and it was very difficult to find documentation, tutorials or concrete examples, even on JBoss forums. Of course this is understandable because this old version of EJB is not used anymore (hopefully!), but it still exists in several historical web applications.

The goal of this new thread is not to explain all the EJB 2 mechanisms but to share what I really missed during the migration, that is a working example of EJB2 sessions and EJB2 entities on JBoss 7.1. Since JEE 6, it is possible to package the EJB directly in a war archive, so this example will be based on that.

The source code is available here.

EJB 2 session java code

I will create an EJB 2 session called HelloWorld with a simple method returning a String object. Three classes must be created to do that :

  • The EJB interface
package com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.session;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.EJBObject;

public interface HelloWorldEJB extends EJBObject {
 public String helloWorld() throws RemoteException;

  • The implementation
package com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.session;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;

public class HelloWorldEJBBean implements SessionBean {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

 public String helloWorld() throws RemoteException {
  return "Hello world, I am an EJB2 session";
 public void ejbActivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {}
 public void ejbPassivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {}
 public void ejbRemove() throws EJBException, RemoteException {}
 public void setSessionContext(SessionContext arg0) throws EJBException, RemoteException {}

  • And the EJB Home
package com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.session;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.EJBHome;

public interface HelloWorldEJBHome extends EJBHome {
 public HelloWorldEJB create() throws RemoteException, CreateException;

EJB 2 entity java code

For the EJB 2 entity example, I will create an object called Member with two fields : an id and a login. Three java objects are also needed to do that :

  • The EJBLocalObject
package com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.entity;

import javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject;

public interface Member extends EJBLocalObject {
    public Long getId();
    public String getLogin();
  • The EntityBean
package com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.entity;

import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.EntityBean;
import javax.ejb.EntityContext;

public abstract class MemberBean implements EntityBean {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  private transient EntityContext ctx;

  public MemberBean() {

  public Long ejbCreate(Long id, String login) throws CreateException {
    return id;

  public void ejbPostCreate(Long id, String login) {

  public abstract Long getId();
  public abstract void setId(Long id);

  public abstract String getLogin();
  public abstract void setLogin(String login);

  public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctx) {
    this.ctx = ctx;

  public void unsetEntityContext() {
    this.ctx = null;

  public void ejbActivate() {}
  public void ejbPassivate() {}
  public void ejbLoad() {}
  public void ejbStore() {}
  public void ejbRemove() {}

  • And the EJBHome
package com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.session;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.EJBHome;

public interface HelloWorldEJBHome extends EJBHome {
 public HelloWorldEJB create() throws RemoteException, CreateException;

XML configuration

Now we have to declare the EJB entity and the EJB session in the xml configuration. A first file is needed for that, ejb-jar.xml. This file must be put in the /WEB-INF folder of the war archive.

<ejb-jar version="3.1" xmlns:xsi="" 

Now let's configure the mapping of the EJB entity. This is done in the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file which must be put in the META-INF folder of the war archive.


JBoss configuration

As you noticed in the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file, a datasource is required for the entity. This datasource is configured directly in the jboss configuration. As I launch JBoss 7.1 in a standalone mode, I put the following configuration in the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml file.

In this example, a use a hsql database :

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:1.0"> <datasources> <datasource enabled="true" jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/hsqldbDS" jta="true" pool-name="hsqldbDS" use-ccm="true" use-java-context="true"> <connection-url>jdbc:hsqldb:file:/Users/jsebfranck/Documents/database/standaloneHsqldb</connection-url> <driver>hsqldb</driver> <pool> <prefill>false</prefill> <use-strict-min>false</use-strict-min> <flush-strategy>FailingConnectionOnly</flush-strategy> </pool> <security> <user-name>sa</user-name> </security> </datasource>

Deployment in jboss

When you deploy the web application on jboss ( --server-config=standalone-full.xml), you can see the JNDI names of both EJB in the logs. This will help us to do our lookups in the client.

19:07:56,689 INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "WarWithEJB2.war"
19:07:57,069 INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-4) JNDI bindings for session bean named MemberEJB in deployment unit deployment "WarWithEJB2.war" are as follows:


19:07:57,073 INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-4) JNDI bindings for session bean named HelloWorldEJB in deployment unit deployment "WarWithEJB2.war" are as follows:


Simple servlet client

We are now able to test our EJBs. The following code calls the helloWorld method of the EJB session, then it creates a new line in the Member table.

package com.jsebfranck.jboss.servlet;


import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.entity.Member;
import com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.entity.MemberHome;
import com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.session.HelloWorldEJB;
import com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.session.HelloWorldEJBHome;

public class Ejb2Servlet extends HttpServlet {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    try {
      // EJB 2 session
      HelloWorldEJBHome helloWorldEJBHome = (HelloWorldEJBHome) new InitialContext().lookup("java:global/WarWithEJB2/HelloWorldEJB!com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.session.HelloWorldEJBHome");
      HelloWorldEJB helloWorldEjb = helloWorldEJBHome.create();
      response.getWriter().println("EJB session test : " + helloWorldEjb.helloWorld());

      // EJB 2 entity
      MemberHome memberHome = (MemberHome) new InitialContext().lookup("java:global/WarWithEJB2/MemberEJB!com.jsebfranck.jboss.ejb2.entity.MemberHome");
      Member member = memberHome.create(25L, "jsebfranck");
      response.getWriter().println("EJB entity test : " + member.getId() + " - " + member.getLogin());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

And we have the prove that this example is working :-)


I hope this example helped you to migrate your EJB2 to a newer version of your application server. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need further details to advance in your migration.

dimanche 21 juillet 2013

ElasticSearch quick start

In the beginning of July, I assisted in an ElasticSearch workshop organized by Xebia. It was a great event which gave me the opportunity to understand this tool basis. If you never heard a word about ElasticSearch, go to To resume quickly, it is a NoSQL search engine based on Apache Lucene.

Today I would like to show you how it is easy to begin with this tool.

First launch 

  1. Download an ElasticSearch archive on
  2. Extract the archive
  3. Launch elasticsearch : 
$ ./bin/elasticsearch -f
[2013-07-12 17:09:08,776][INFO ][node     ] [Centurius] {0.90.2}[2741]: initializing ...
[2013-07-12 17:09:08,785][INFO ][plugins  ] [Centurius] loaded [], sites []
[2013-07-12 17:09:11,253][INFO ][node     ] [Centurius] {0.90.2}[2741]: initialized
[2013-07-12 17:09:11,253][INFO ][node     ] [Centurius] {0.90.2}[2741]: starting ...
[2013-07-12 17:09:11,372][INFO ][transport] [Centurius] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[myComputer/]}
[2013-07-12 17:09:14,470][INFO ][cluster.service] [Centurius] new_master [Centurius][cuT7Cb_eQbaHyQ9fW9aCng][inet[myComputer.local/]], reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
[2013-07-12 17:09:14,514][INFO ][discovery] [Centurius] elasticsearch/cuT7Cb_eQbaHyQ9fW9aCng
[2013-07-12 17:09:14,542][INFO ][http     ] [Centurius] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[myComputer.local/]}
[2013-07-12 17:09:14,543][INFO ][node     ] [Centurius] {0.90.2}[2741]: started
[2013-07-12 17:09:14,595][INFO ][gateway  ] [Centurius] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state

ElasticSearch is now running! You can check that by going to http://localhost:9200 in your web browser. Centurius is the name of the launched instance. You can override it by changing the property in the elasticsearch.yml file.

You should only try to change the configuration if you encounter a problem. The default configuration is good enough to bring the server in production.

Basic queries

ElasticSearch provides a restful API allowing to create, search or delete documents. So to create documents you have to do a HTTP POST or PUT request, to search documents you have to do a GET request, and to delete documents you have to do a DELETE request.

Create a document

I want to create a simple database containing e-commerce products. Each document is created in a specific index under a specific type. From whose coming from SQL world like me, the index is similar to a SQL database instance whereas the type is similar to a SQL database table. To store my products documents, I call the index “catalog” and the type “product”. The document content must be in JSON.

To create a document, you have to respect the following syntax :

$ curl -XPOST 'http://<host name>/<index>/<type>/' -d '{<your json document>}'

For example :

$ curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/catalog/product/' -d '{ 
"title" : "Ipad 2", "manufacturer" : "Apple", "submissionDate" : "2013-07-12", 
"text" : "tablette tactile" }'

Congratulations, you have created your first document. Each document has an unique identifier. Here the identifier has been generated automaticaly because I did a POST request, it is "iZ_SSvyBRbOBYeRHWIjSaA".

List all documents

To check that the document has been correctly created, you can list all the indexed documents with the following command :

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/catalog/_search'
"_id":"iZ_SSvyBRbOBYeRHWIjSaA","_score":1.0, "_source" : { "title" : "Ipad 2", 
"manufacturer" : "Apple", "submissionDate" : "2013-07-12", 
"text" : "tablette tactile" }}]}} 

Search documents by term

If you want to search every document with a title equals to "ipad" :

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/catalog/product/_search' -d '{
   "query" : {
     "match" : {
       "title" : "ipad"

Please note that you can search documents in an entire index (/catalog) or just on a type (/catalog/product).

Search documents with wildcard query

If you want to search every document with a title starting with "ip" :

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/catalog/product/_search' -d '{
   "query" : {
     "wildcard" : {
       "title" : "ip*"

Search documents with fuzzy query

If you want to search a document from a term potentially misspelled, you can do a fuzzy query. For example the following query allows to search the products with a title like ipod or ipad :

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/catalog/product/_search' -d '{
   "query" : {
     "fuzzy" : {
       "title" : "ipud"

Delete a document

If you want to delete a document, you have to do a DELETE HTTP request :
$ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/catalog/product/_query' -d '{
    "match" : {
      "title" : "Iphone 5"

Understand ElasticSearch clustering

The ElasticSearch-Head plugin allows to see the cluster state. To install it :

$ ./bin/plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head
-> Installing mobz/elasticsearch-head...
Trying (assuming 
site plugin)
Downloading ...........DONE
Identified as a _site plugin, moving to _site structure ...
Installed head

Now, without restarting ElasticSearch, you can check the cluster state here : http://localhost:9200/_plugin/head.

We can find our ElasticSearch instance called Centurius. This instance is composed, by default, of five shards (property index.number_of_shards). Each shard is a Lucene instance automatically managed by ElasticSearch. When you create a document, the document id is used to determine in which shard it must be stored.

Now we can launch a new instance of ElasticSearch (elasticsearch -f in a new tab of your console). If you refresh the ElasticSearch-Head page, you constat that a new instance apperead in the cluster :

If you check the logs of the first instance :

[2013-07-12 17:35:42,209][INFO ][cluster.service] [Centurius] added 
reason: zen-disco-receive(join from node[[Reaper][Zqma1_5qQLCxbA0JQAO1BA]

The new ElasticSearch instance has been automatically discovered by unicast (by default). Each ElasticSearch instance from the same network and with the same cluster name is gathered in the same cluster. You can change the cluster name of an instance in the file config/elasticsearch.yml, property

Now let's add a third instance of ElasticSearch :

By default, each shard is replicated twice (property index.number_of_replicas) : one primary shard used for read and write operations, and one replica shard used for read operations.

Here the node Centurius contains the primary shards 1, 3 and 4. The node Noh-Varr contains the primary shards 0 and 2. Finally, the node Reaper contains only replica shards.


I hope this thread gave you the basis to work with ElasticSearch and to understand its clustering mechanism. Don't hesitate to play with ElasticSearch, change its properties and do more complicated queries! Besides this thread, a good way to start with this tool and to understand every concept is the ElasticSearch glossary page. Have fun!

lundi 1 juillet 2013

Why it is faster to write unit tests?

"We don't have the time to write unit tests", "we write the unit tests because it is mentioned in the definition of done", "we write the unit tests at the end of the sprint"... How many times did you hear or maybe say that?

The purpose of this thread is to prove that writing unit tests, particularly before testing in runtime, can help you to be more productive and efficient. To begin, let's compare the development process with and without unit tests.

Without unit tests

How a developer works without unit tests?
  1. Development phase
    • Write the entire code of the feature
  2. Runtime test phase
    1. Constat a bug
    2. Analyse where the bug comes from
    3. Fix the bug
    4. Test if the correction is correct
    5. Continue the test phase until all tests are correct

With unit tests

Now, how a developer works with unit tests?
  1. Development phase
    1. Write a unit test
    2. Write the corresponding code
    3. Write another unit test until the feature is completely developed
  2. Runtime test phase
    1. Constat a bug
    2. Analyse where the bug comes from
    3. Write a unit test reproducing the bug
    4. Fix the bug
    5. Test if the correction is correct
    6. Continue the test phase until all tests are correct

Runtime test phase is expensive

The runtime test phase (with or without unit tests) takes a lot of time for several reasons :
  • For each test, you have to prepare a set of data, even for the margin cases
  • You have to launch your application
  • You have to play your test and maybe find a bug
  • For each bug, you have to find where to fix the bug, possibly using a debugger
  • Then, you have to fix your code
  • Finally, you test again to be sure that your fix is correct. For that, of course, you have to prepare a new set of data

Runtime test phase is longer without unit tests

With unit tests, you can be sure to find most of the bugs directly during the development phase. Of course there are still some bugs but less than if you write no unit tests at all.

So if you have more bugs without unit tests, the runtime test will be longer.

Now, how can be sure without unit tests that a bug fix hasn't broke a functional case you have already test? Are you sure all your code is still working? Maybe you should restart the runtime test phase from the beginning? And what about refactoring your code?

With unit tests, you can be very confident to haven't broke anything because all the tests you have already written can prove you that. Plus, you won't be afraid to do refactoring in order to have a cleaner and more comprehensible code, what will help you to work more efficiently during the next developments.


Of course it is faster to write a code without doing units tests. But how much extra time do you spend testing in runtime or fixing bugs in production?

Less bugs also mean less stress and more time to work on interesting things.

In bonus, you do more code and less functional tests. That's cool, coding is what you are good for!

What about integration tests?

An answer to resolve the cost of the manual tests are the integration tests. Do you still need to do unit tests with integration tests? It is enough to do only unit tests? It is a very interesting question I will try to answer in another thread. But yes, unit tests and integration tests are complementary.

samedi 29 juin 2013

How to test dates in java unit tests?

Testing dates in unit tests is not always an easy stuff. Take a look to the following method, I will then explain you what is the main problem you can encounter.

public class UserService {
  private UserEventDao userEventDao;

  private DateUtility dateUtility;

  public void createCreationUserEvent(User user) {
    UserEvent event = new UserEvent();
    event.setEventDate(new Date());

To test this method, you have to check that the UserEvent object passed to the UserEventDao.create method is correctly filled. For that you can use a mock framework like Mockito and write the following test :

public class UserServiceTest {
  private UserService userService;

  private UserEventDao userEventDao;

  public void createCreationUserEvent_withCorrectParameters_shouldCreateAnEvent() {
    // Given
    User user = new User();

    // When

    // Then
    UserEvent expectedUserEvent = new UserEvent();
    expectedUserEvent.setEventDate(new Date());


The problem is that this test is not in success all the time because the Date object precision is in milliseconds and you can have a little difference between the date created in the method and the date created in the test.

The solution to resolve that is to be sure to manipulate the same Date object between the method and your test. Of course you could add a Date argument in your createCreationUserEvent method but this would just move our problem to the calling method.

I recommend you two solutions to do that : the first one is to use PowerMock and the second one is to create a DateUtility class.

Solution 1 : Using PowerMock

PowerMock is a mock framework allowing you to mock what cannot be mocked by others frameworks : static method calls, private methods, object constructions etc. To do that, Powermock manipulates the bytecode of the class to test.

So in our example, it can mock the new Date() call :
public class UserServiceTest {

  private UserService userService;

  private UserEventDao userEventDao;

  public void createCreationUserEvent_withCorrectParameters_shouldCreateAnEvent()
  throws Exception {
    // Given
    User user = new User();
    Date eventDate = new Date();

    // When

    // Then
    UserEvent expectedUserEvent = new UserEvent();


As you surely noticed, we use the PowerMock runner and a PrepareForTest annotation which indicates to Powermock that the UserService class bytecode must be modified.

You can now be sure that your test will be in success at each execution.

Solution 2 : Creating a date utility class

In this solution, the concept is to delegate the creation of the date to a new class :

public class DateUtility {
  public Date getCurrentDate() {
    return new Date();

And to use this class in UserService :

public class UserService {

  private UserEventDao userEventDao;

  private DateUtility dateUtility;
  public void createCreationUserEvent(User user) {
    UserEvent event = new UserEvent();

Then we can mock the call to DateUtility in our unit test :

public class UserServiceTest {

  private UserService userService;

  private UserEventDao userEventDao;
  private DateUtility dateUtility;

  public void createCreationUserEvent_withCorrectParameters_shouldCreateAnEvent() {
    // Given
    User user = new User();
    Date eventDate = new Date();

    // When

    // Then
    UserEvent expectedUserEvent = new UserEvent();


Like in the Powermock solution, you can now be sure that your test will be in success at each execution.

Conclusion : Powermock vs DateUtility

Firstly, these two solutions can be applied to every other case where you have to manipulate dates. It works all the time.

The advantage of the Powermock solution is that you don't have to modify your business code to write a good test. However, the bytecode manipulation done by the framework is expensive in term of execution time : in my environment, this simple test needs about 400 ms to be executed whereas the test with Mockito needs almost 0 ms. On more complicated tests with several static classes mocked, this execution time can be even worst : I already saw entire tests classes executed in almost 8 seconds, which can be very problematic in term of productivity.

Concerning the DateUtility solution,  I think it is elegant to have a class with the responsability to manipulate dates. With that, you shouldn't have any "new Date()" call or Calendar manipulation in other classes. And of course, the main bonus is that you can write a good unit test. I would so recommend you this solution!

I hope you enjoyed this thread and I would be very glad to hear which others tricks do you use to test your dates. Also, I you encounter a case where the DateUtility solution cannot help you, I would love to help you.

jeudi 13 juin 2013

Tips to write maintainable unit tests

Because unit tests are considered by a lot of developers as a waste of time, they make no efforts to write a code of quality. It is perhaps not a problem for the developer to understand his tests while he is developing his feature. But when he needs to modify the feature behavior and therefore his tests several weeks later, he will encounter some difficulties to understand his own tests and it will be expensive to modify them.

However it is easy to write a readable and maintainable unit test. You just have to follow several tips.

Tip #1 : give a comprehensive name to each test

Your unit test name should be comprehensive enough to understand which method you are testing and which case you are testing. To achieve that, three information are mandatory in your method name :
  • the name of the tested method
  • the input parameters of the tested method
  • what is the expected behavior of the tested method
If you respect this rule, it is not mandatory anymore to write other documentation (like javadoc in Java). The method name is comprehensive enough. For example :

 public void filterInvalidUsers_withAnInvalidUser_shouldReturnAnEmptyList() {  

Ok I understand you can be chocked to see an underscore in the method name. But it is a little trick to improve the visibility of what your test is doing. Moreover you can easily identify if you have forgotten a case using the method listing of your favorite IDE :

Tip #2 : use Given / When / Then template

Every unit test has three sections of instructions :
  • the test preparation
  • the call to the tested method
  • the assertions
In some unit tests, it is not always obvious to find these sections. So a little trick to easily identify them is to comment the beginning of each section. "Given" for the test preparation, "When" for the call to the tested method, and "Then" for the assertions. Doing that for each of yours unit tests give a kind of template easily understandable by every developer. For example :

public void filterInvalidUsers_withAnInvalidUser_shouldReturnAnEmptyList() {  
   // Given  
   User user = new User();  
   user.setBirthDate(new Date());  

   // When  
   List<User> users = userService.filterInvalidUsers(Arrays.asList(user));       

   // Then  

Tip #3 : use reusable methods for the Given and Then sections 

Even if it is logical to factorize your code, this basic coding principle is not always applied to the unit tests. Some developers prefer to copy & paste an entire unit test, just change the test name and one of the assertions, whereas they could create an utility method used by several tests.

An exemple of factorization of our test method could be :

public void filterInvalidUsers_withAnInvalidUser_shouldReturnAnEmptyList() {  
   // Given  
   User user = createUserWithCorrectParameters();  

   // When  
   List<User> users = userService.filterInvalidUsers(Arrays.asList(user));       

   // Then

private User createUserWithCorrectParameters() {
   User user = new User();  
   user.setBirthDate(new Date());  
   return user;

private void assertThatThereIsNoUser(List<User> users) {


Tip #4 :  mock all interactions to other objects

An important principle of the unit tests is to test only the behavior of the tested class, and not the behavior of all the objects used by this class. If you don't respect this principle, you could have impacts on several test classes each time you change the behavior of a single class, which is a waste of time.

To do that you can mock every other objects used by the tested class. Mock an object means simulate his behavior and not do a real call to the object. Great Java librairies allow to do this job, for example Easymock or Mockito. I will do a comparative of these two solutions in another thread.


Tip #5 : use partial mocking to have smaller tests 

Imagine you want to add a createUsers method in the same class of the filterInvalidUsers method :

public void createUsers(List<User> users) {
    List validUsers = filterInvalidUsers(users);
    if (! validUsers.isEmpty()) {

You have already written your unit tests on filterInvalidUsers and you don't want to write them again. How can you avoid that? A solution is to use partial mocking. Whereas classic mocking allows you to mock the objects used in your tested class, the partial mocking allows you to mock a method in the class you are testing. So you can simulate the call to the method then verify that the call has been performed. For example, in the createUsers unit tests, you can mock the call to the filterInvalidUsers. In Java, EasyMock and Mockito both allow to do partial mocking.



 I hope theses few tips will help you to write more maintainable unit tests. Don't hesitate to share your own techniques by commenting this thread. I would be very glad to share with you.