However, it provides some features I never used, and for some features it provides several ways to write your tests. For example you have two ways to create your mocks and two ways to write your expectations.
So, in this article I will present every feature I use, and how I choose to write my Mockito tests.
Our example
Let's start with a simple example, then we will go deeper into the framework.The class we want to test is a class managing accounts, AccountService, with a single dependency, its repository : AccountRepository. For the moment, AccountService has only one method :
public class AccountService {
private AccountRepository accountRepository;
public Account getAccountByLogin(String login) {
try {
return accountRepository.findAccount(login);
} catch (EntityNotFoundException enfe) {
return null;
How can we test that with Mockito?
Mocks creation
The first thing you have to do is to create your class of test and create your mocks. I recommend to use the Mockito annotations and the Junit runner as it is more elegant and concise :
public class AccountServiceTest {
private AccountService accountService;
private AccountRepository accountRepository;
As you can see, you don't need a @Before method and you don't have to instantiate your objects. All is done automatically by the framework. To inject the mocks in the class to test, Mockito tries to do that using firstly the object constructor, then the object setters or finally the object properties.
doReturn and verify
Now let's test the method getAccountByLogin and the case where an account already exists.
private static final String LOGIN = "login";
private static final String PASSWORD = "password";
public void getAccountByLogin_withExistingAccount_shouldReturnTheAccount()
throws Exception {
// Given
Account existingAccount = new Account(LOGIN, PASSWORD);
// When
Account result = accountService.getAccountByLogin(LOGIN);
// Then
assertEquals(existingAccount, result);
Explanations :
- doReturn allows to override the behavior of the AccountRepository.findAccount method. Here we return an Account object to simulate the case that an account already exists
- verify(accountRepository).findAccount allows to check that this method has been called
- verifyNoMoreInteractions method allows to be sure that we didn't call another method on this mock. It is useful in that case because you test that you don't do a useless call on your repository
Now let's test the case where the account doesn't exist. In that case the repository throws an EntityNotFoundException : @Test
public void getAccountByLogin_withUnexistingAccount_shouldReturnNull() throws Exception {
// Given
doThrow(new EntityNotFoundException()).when(accountRepository).findAccount(LOGIN);
// When
Account result = accountService.getAccountByLogin(LOGIN);
// Then
As we used doReturn before, here we use doThrow method. Easy!
doReturn vs thenReturn, doThrow vs thenThrow
With mockito the following instructions are similar : // either :
// or :
// either :
doThrow(new EntityNotFoundException()).when(accountRepository).findAccount(LOGIN);
// or :
when(accountRepository.findAccount(LOGIN)).thenThrow(new EntityNotFoundException());
However, in the case you want to test a void method, you can write :
doThrow(new EntityNotFoundException()).when(accountRepository).deleteAccount(LOGIN);
But you cannot write the following instruction because it doesn't compile :
when(accountRepository.deleteAccount(LOGIN)).thenThrow(new EntityNotFoundException());
So I recommend to always use the do* methods in order to keep your tests coherent.
Object.equals and argument captor
Now let's add another method which create an account :
public void createAccount(String login, String password) throws ServiceException {
Account account = new Account(login, password);
It seems very easy to write this test. Let's do a first try :
public void createAccount_nominalCase_shouldCreateTheAccount() throws Exception {
// When
accountService.createAccount(LOGIN, PASSWORD);
// Then
verify(accountRepository).createAccount(new Account(LOGIN, PASSWORD));
But unfortunately the test fails! Why? Because the verify instruction checks that the parameters passed in the createAccount method are the same in the test that in the tested code. However, in that case, the Account object has no equals method.
You may think to add an equals method in the Account object but if you do that only for your unit test, it is really a shame. Hopefully Mockito provides a cleaner way to test this case : the argument captor.
public void createAccount_nominalCase_shouldCreateTheAccount() throws Exception {
// When
accountService.createAccount(LOGIN, PASSWORD);
// Then
private void assertThatAccountAsBeenCreated() {
ArgumentCaptor argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Account.class);
Account createdAccount = argument.getValue();
assertEquals(LOGIN, createdAccount.getLogin());
assertEquals(PASSWORD, createdAccount.getPassword());
With this technic, you can retrieve the object passed in the tested code, then do every assertion you want. Here we just want to be sure that the login and the password are correct.
Partial mocking
Now let's add three lines of code in our createAccount method to check that the account doesn't exist before we create it. To do that, we use the existing method getAccountByLogin : public void createAccount(String login, String password) throws ServiceException {
if (getAccountByLogin(login) != null) {
throw new ServiceException(String.format("The account %s already exists", login));
Account account = new Account(login, password);
As you have already tested the getAccountByLogin, you don't want to test it again because our tests could become unmaintainable.
So here you can use the partial mocking. The idea is to mock the call to the getAccountByLogin method within the class you are testing. With Mockito (unlike other mock frameworks) it is very easy to do that. You just have to override your method behavior like if you were using a mock :
public void createAccount_nominalCase_shouldCreateTheAccount() throws Exception {
// Given
// When
accountService.createAccount(LOGIN, PASSWORD);
// Then
Then you just have to add the @Spy annotation on the declaration of your tested object :
private AccountService accountService;
And it works!
I think I covered every feature of Mockito I use every day. Don't hesitate to ping me if I forgot something important. Anyway, I hope this tutorial helped you to have a better understanding of this great framework!The whole code, with more cases and tests, is available on my github account.
Also, don't hesitate to consult my recommendations to write maintainable unit tests.
Great overview. Now, when would you say that partial mocking is needed?
RépondreSupprimerIt seems like most of the time a refactoring should be done instead of a partial mocking.
for example let's say I have a class HistoryWriter class writing in a file system. And let's say I have a private method in the same class returning a BufferedReader object in the historyWriter.
When testing the history writer class I could possibly partially mock it and return the BufferedReader. But should I not create an other service like "FileSystemService" where I should put this method?
Thanks Arnaud. I would recommend partial mocking only to simulate the call to a method you have already tested like in my example. And also if a method is not easily testable but it makes sense to keep it in your class. Except that, I don't see other cases where you could use it.
RépondreSupprimerNow, I think you're right that when you use partial mocking, it is possible that you have a problem of design in your class. And in your example, it makes totally sense to centralize the IO operations in a service, and then create a simple mock on this service.
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